Grupp's Sales Aggregator Model: From Development to Delivery

How it started

Grupp is a banking-as-a-service platform that allows users (business merchants, point-of-sale agents, and others) to connect to and leverage our payment infrastructure APIs, which can then be tailored to their business needs.

The Sales Aggregator Chain-Model, a key feature of Grupp, was developed to cater to the need for scaling small businesses and boosting their revenue.

As the product lead, our process involved collaborative brainstorming, which led to the development and scoping of solid use cases that captured and solved user needs. Validation of the product’s viability made us engage in face-to-face discussions with potential users (“bankers”) and helped us garner positive feedback. Stakeholder buy-in and adoption were the easiest and final part of the process for the product team because we had sufficient market data that validated the feasibility, viability, and desirability of the solution.

From Concept to Reality

In developing the sales aggregator feature and its chain model, our goal was to deploy a platform that enabled users (bankers) to onboard aggregators to manage businesses that had been referred to them and also manage their transactions. Also, these aggregators would have the privilege to onboard newer aggregators (at a second level), expand their influence, and earn commissions on transactions conducted by all the bankers’ customers. This chain model played a pivotal role in improving the usage and adoption of our payment infrastructure by target users.

Feature Prioritization Framework

To prioritize my product roadmap and feature backlog, I used the MoSCoW and RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) frameworks. This helped me manage considerations relating to user needs and resource constraints.

  • M: User-Friendly Dashboard for Aggregators (RICE: High reach, high impact)
  • S: User Support and Training for Aggregators (RICE: High impact, moderate reach)
  • C: Advanced Analytics for Aggregators (RICE: Confidence-dependent, impact-driven)
  • W: Integration with Cryptocurrency Transactions (RICE: High effort, potentially lower impact)
From Collaboration to Growth: My Role

While managing the development of the Sales Aggregator feature in Grupp, I directly managed:

  • Cross-functional team collaboration
  • Sprint planning and retrospectives
  • Backlog grooming and refinement
  • Scheduled delivery
  • Product go-to-market strategy (The goal was to build a substantial customer base within 6 months)
  • UAT and QA Testing

After alpha testing, we transitioned to beta testing and got direct feedback from bankers, using the feedback to refine the user experience. This led to a significant improvement in the user satisfaction score and a remarkable decrease in reported issues.



Sales Aggregator Onboarded

1000+ aggregators successfully onboarded in 6 months, demonstrating the effectiveness of our user-friendly dashboard for aggregators.

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Product Visibility

Expanded product visibility and increased market presence by 30%

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Revenue Increase

Customer engagement has been elevated by 45%, directly translating into a 20% increase in monthly revenue. 

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Increased Customer Signups

Increased customer signups by 32–41%, an upsurge from the regular monthly signup rate of 16–21%.
